This e-book breaks down 3 core components required to scale your business. We have compressed a decade of learning into a lean and mean, coles notes, brass tacks, and get to the point article.

There are 3 activities and 3 videos.


This e-book is designed to improve your business immediately. We've compiled the theory behind our actions and experiences, data from the Forbes and Inc Magazine, and leading authors like Seth Godin, Simon Sinek, and Jim Collins to give you the steps you can take to grow your business.

If you take the time to go through this thoroughly, it will serve you, your team, and your business by helping you build a self-sustaining business that will grow without you needing to be involved in the day-to-day operations of your company.


Tips, Exercises, and Videos to Help Grow Your Business

  • Learn from Intrigue Co-Founder, Rob Murray
  • Engage with content from Seth Godin
  • Learn from experts like Simon Sinek
  • Work through exercises from Jim Collins